


One of the most critical hiring requirements come from the Information Technology or IT sector. This is an industry that is plagued by high attrition rates and fluctuating growth. No other sector has more epitomized India’s transformation from a primarily agrarian economy into a services powerhouse more than the IT industry.

The Indian IT industry has evolved into a behemoth, contributing significantly to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The IT infrastructure sector within this industry includes server, storage and enterprise networking equipment, making the best HR recruitment services agency in Delhi crucial for sourcing top talent.

The IT Infrastructure Sector in India: A Snapshot

Key Stats
  • Enterprise networking is the biggest segment within the Indian IT infrastructure sector in India
  • Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) and software-as-a-service (SaaS) have seen significant growth as organizations are moving from a capital-intensive model to a opex model
  • The banking and finance sectors are some of the biggest adopters of emerging IT infrastructure, often requiring specialized recruitment from a IT Infrastructure recruitment firm for their expansive office needs.
  • Policy changes in the US under its new President might have long-standing implications on IT exports to that country
  • A global economic slowdown with the impending Brexit or macroeconomic headwinds can significantly hamper growth in the IT industry
  • Increased competition from emerging IT hubs such as the Philippines means that partnering with the top IT Infrastructure recruitment company in Delhi becomes increasingly vital for infrastructure development.
Trends for the future coming soon
  • Delays in procurement. India continues to rank low in Ease of Doing Business, and this sector has been plagued by regulatory challenges
  • Obsolete technology has forced the aerospace and defense sector to import much of the technology used in this sector

Selective Global Search in the IT Infrastructure Sector

The IT infrastructure sector in India is evolving with the changes in the IT eco-sphere, incorporating cloud solutions, virtual reality, social, mobility, and analytics solutions. These demand a new breed of IT professionals, who are adaptive and flexible to market dynamics.

At Selective Global Search, over the years, we have built up knowledge, experience and competence in the IT domain with a track record of successful projects. Attrition is a key critical issue in this sector and we believe that mapping the right talent to the right position can address some of the deep-rooted causes of attrition. As a IT Infrastructure executive search agency in India, we understand the intersection of IT and IT Infrastructure needs.

Our Expertise

  • Hardware

  • ERP

  • IT Governance

  • Server & Data

  • CRM

  • Software

  • Enterprise

  • Storage

  • Design &

  • Maintenance
    & Repair

  • IT Solutions

  • Security

How We Help

  • We offer a comprehensive, tailored recruitment strategy that takes into account the specific demands of this industry
  • We believe that we can improve on an organization’s IT capabilities by hiring high-quality IT talent, working to become a strategic partner with the business
  • The IT sector is one of the largest employers in the country and our recruitment and hiring model takes into account maximization of operational cost effectiveness
  • We are well equipped to handle demand for newer, emerging skills in public cloud, which is becoming relevant for data center managers and IT projects in India. Our partnerships with the best HR recruitment services agency in Delhi ensure that we meet these evolving demands effectively.